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Why partner with the World Yachting Summit?

Boost your networking potentialHighlight your projectsEngage with a worldwide audienceAmplify your brand with potential partnersStand alongside leadersBe at the forefront of yachting developments

How it works

All the major partnership packages are exclusive with each business sector, and they can be signed for the inaugural issue or, which is a more worth it, for the two combined first editions in Monaco and Dubai. The major packages give your company exposure throughout the event in every aspect of it — conferences, showroom, social events. These are our Gold Partnerships.

Depending on your marketing & communication objectives there is the option to partner with WYS for each segment (conferences or showroom or social events) for a lower set of rates, defined by the range of benefits available. These are the Silver Partnerships. It is also possible to benefit from a discounted rate when signing for the two editions at once.

The Bronze Partnerships are all specific to « a segment within the segments ». These can be in cash or barters. An event like WYS calls for many different and costly needs. Offsetting some of the costs with contribution from our Bronze Partners is always welcomed and will be discussed on individual basis. It is not however possible to be a Bronze Partner for the two editions at once, due to the very nature of the partnership and the fact that the WYS is split between Monaco and Dubai ;  but it is already possible to make propositions specifically for Dubai 2026 too.

© Jeff Brown / Breed Media

With these benefits in mind, WYS has developed
3 essential partner packs tailored to suit every need:

  • Company logo & link in all print & digital materials
  • Company logo on all WYS advertising
  • Company description + ad in catalogue
  • Company logo & description in all press releases
  • 30sqm equipped stand in Networking Showroom
  • 8 Delegate passes with VIP lunches
  • 4 seats at Gala Dinner
  • 8 tickets to Opening and Closing Parties
  • Keynote in plenary sessions
  • WYS Channel Interview
  • Speech at Gala Dinner
  • Speech at Opening Party
  • 8 VIP tickets for your guests for conferences & exhibition
Contact us to discuss further

Exposure available for Social Events or Exhibition or Conferences

  • Company logo & link in all related print & digital materials
  • Company description + ad in catalogue with relevant segment
  • 15sqm equipped stand in Networking Showroom
  • 4 Delegate passes with VIP lunches
  • 2 seats at Gala Dinner
  • 4 tickets to Opening and Closing Parties
  • 2 Speaking opportunities
  • WYS Channel Interview
  • Speech at Opening Party
  • 8 VIP tickets for your guests for conferences & exhibition
Contact us to discuss further

Exposure available for Social Events or Exhibition or Conferences

  • Company logo & link in all related print & digital materials
  • Company ad in catalogue with relevant sector
  • 7.5sqm equipped stand in Networking Showroom
  • 2 Delegate passes with VIP lunches
  • 2 seats at Gala Dinner
  • 4 tickets to Opening and Closing Parties
  • 1 Speaking opportunity
  • WYS Channel Interview
  • 4 VIP tickets for your guests for conferences & exhibition
Contact us to discuss further

If you wish to compare the table of benefits
between the various packs please download it here